Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2 Cent Tuesday: Invitation Woes

Do you have any design dilemma's, customer quandaries, catering conundrums, or event horror stories, or just simple event questions you've had to handle!? We'd love to hear about them, because we have them too! Share them with us and let us know how you handled it!  Or share your 2 cents on the situations presented on Fete Fanatic.  I'm sure your advice will be greatly appreciated by the readers! 

Tuesday's Topic: Invitations

Predicament: You are having a celebration (wedding, party, shower etc.) and some guests informed you prior to receiving an invitation that they would be unable to attend. Do you still send them an invitation?  What's your 2 cents?  Would you do?

My 2 cents: I would still send an invitation.  It shows that though you understand they will not make it, you still would love for them to be in attendance. Plus you just never know.. their situation may change.
Want to share your experiences, or hear others' 2 cents on a topic?  Email me at www.theflairfactor@gmail.com with your experience or question. Please include the predicament, solution, lessons learned(if any) and your 2 Cents! Can't wait to hear from you!