Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Birds + Bees = Baby!

A few weeks ago we welcomed (proud to say) my very first God son! I'm so honored and excited to be name the godmother of my cousin's baby boy. Now you know.. I had to style and hosted his baby shower, right. I was stung by the nesting and bee inspiration all around the web. I was also feelin' terrariums so I had to include them. I call this style organic whimsy. :-). I have TONS of pics to share, and still going through them. Its difficult picking from a million and one photos. So I'll start with some of the decor details. I started out with this oh so cute invitation! I had a vision of a cartoon-esque bird + bee = a baby, and the designer brought it to life! She hit the nail on the head I tell ya!
I love the way the blue honeycomb background turned out.

We welcomed guests with a signature drink and pacifier necklace. They were forbidden to say the word baby or the guest of honor's name. If anyone was caught saying either of the two, their necklace would be taken away. It's a spin off the clothes pin baby shower game.

Signature Drink-A Beehive dispenser held the non alcoholic Honey Lemon Spritzer I whipped up

You know I love to "dress my drinks" right.... Teeny Tiny pacifiers embellished the drinking straws, along with blue sugar rimmed glasses.

'Tweet as Honey Banner held together by wooden clothes pins.

I like to create an area for the guest of honor to open gifts

Gift Bags for shower game winners

Ok so, you know how there are always those few folks that come early to the party ( when you are still getting ready). Well these were for them! Gummy Worms!

Psst.. remember the mini chalkboards to wanted? Didn't have time to scour.. made these from paper!

I love me some double duty.. sign doubled as a pick.
The centerpiece.. Terrariums! I wanted to create terrariuns.. organic with a touch of baby whimsy.. what do you think?

I have many more pics to share. I'll be creating a Facebook album with more soon. But I'll be back soon with the favors and oh course a sweets & treats table. Oh and the cake!


  1. Love it!!! I am launching my new blog within the next two days. Can I feature this shower??


  2. oh my, cant wait to see the rest of the pics!

  3. OCEP, of course, definitely feature it!
    Thanks Ladies!

  4. Wow!! What a gorgeous shower you threw! I'm super impressed by your attention to detail and I love the bee theme. So sweet. What a lucky cousin and godson you have:)

  5. Wow! This is just so creative. I love the terrarium! So cute!

  6. Those terrariums are perfect. Love the little birds inside!

  7. I have googled and tried to find the colored sippy cups I want to use that idea for my sons Halloween party at school?
