Thursday, September 16, 2010

Birds + Bees + Baby-The Sweets!

I'm back with Sweets! LOTS of them!

So, I had the cake designed to reflect the theme, and since we loved the invitation, I thought it would be cute to worked play off of it. So here's the invitation again..

And here's the cake! This is what the Birds and Bees gave us! And it was mighty tasty.

You guys should know I love swizzle sticks.Right? Well if you are new to my blog. I Love 'EM! So I just had to incorporate them!

The party favor..Sweeten your tea with a Honey Bee Swizzle sticks!

And even more sweets...The Sweets Table!

The twig runner added extra flair to the asthetic of the table.

Brownie Pops with a baby bottle topper

The honey sticks were gone in the blink of an eye! Thanks for the honey suggestions!

Chocolate cherry nests

The candy bags were filled to the brim!


  1. Natasha, this is ADORABLE!! I am soooo featuring this! : D

  2. LOVE! That dessert table is precious! I have those same white dessert stands and I love them. Beautiful job!

  3. Thanks Chris! I would love for you to feature it!
    Brittany, I just love em too! Thanks!

  4. I love the cotton candy inside the sippy cups! Great details for this party -- it's so cute!

  5. What an adorable party!! I love the way the food fits right in with the theme! And those are some FANCY swizzle sticks!! :) And the cotton candy in the cups......Sweet!!

  6. wow! so many this!

  7. Beautiful! Where on earth did you get such perfectly sized baby bottle toppers?

  8. Hi, this is great! I'm starting a blog and I would love to feature this if that's ok?

  9. Oh I love it! The cake is fabulous. I love swizzle stick too.

  10. Natasha, great job!!! I love all the details, but my two favorite are the cotton candy sippy cups and the miniature bottles on the sticks. Precious!

  11. I just came upon your site and I'm truly amazed! Fabulously creative!

    I wanted to find out where you got the honey bee swizzle sticks? Thanks!

  12. This is precious!!! I don't know how I am just seeing this. GREAT job!

  13. What a wonderful shower! You did an amazing job!

  14. I love the Invite I was wondering did someone make that for you guys or can i get them on line or in a store. I loved this themand its hard to find related material in the store,where can i get there invites???
