Thursday, March 25, 2010

Rinse, Reuse, and Repurpose!

Save your aluminum cans! Ok so what.. call me a hoarder then... But sometimes you just never know when these babies will come in handy. :-) Hey think of it as one more way to go green.
I especially like the look of the can without the label. I'm thinking of using carnation milk cans for an Easter centerpiece. It gives off a fresh organic spring feel(at least to me).

photo from chicmapsbynikki

These tea tins has sort of a vintage appeal.

Martha Stewart


check out ehow for DIY instructions


  1. Those are really cute!! All the colors on the cans really help the flowers pop!

  2. Absolutely LOVE this idea. I am always looking for vases this is a perfect idea.

  3. Great ideas. I think I have a few cans around here I could use. :)

  4. I love this idea! I actually used some once and spray painted them red to fit the theme (small event budge ;)
