Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fêtes & Fashion: Ruffles!

Call me a girly girl if you will,cause I love ruffles! I always have my eyes on fashion fads and trends, and ruffles doesn't seem to be going anywhere soon. They've been hot for quite time. From tops, dresses, skirts, shoes.. the list goes on. Though I believe that every style isn't for everyone, I do believe if you don't want to wear it, decorate with it! Fashion can very much relate to the events and parties. So try some ruffles.. I just can't get enough of them, from Fêtes to Fashion!

Ruffle Leather Jacket

Victoria Secret

Ruffle Top


Don't want to wear it? Entertain with with!

Ruffle plates, compotes, bowls, pedestals you name it! So femme, so chic!


Ruffle Napkins and place mats.. Cute!


Swoon! Wouldn't this be great for a shabby chic shower? Love it!

sweet&saucy shop


  1. I saw that jacket on Vickie's, too. Hey! If you fan me I will fan you back!

  2. I love all of the pictures...great finds! I am a ruffles girl too. =) I just bought a few shirts last weekend and they all had some sort of ruffle.

  3. Oh ruffles are so in and they are just adorable!! I love the decor pictures you showed with ruffles too! :)

  4. I love all these! ruffles are the best trend in awhile...

  5. This roundup is so pretty...I'm working on a ruffle post too! XO
