Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hit or Miss? Fish Centerpieces

There are so many creative minds out there. I think it would be interesting to know what others think. Sooo... centerpieces with little fish in it, hit or miss?


photo credit


  1. I know a lot of ppl are fans of this but I've never wanted to see a fish swimming in a centerpiece while I'm eating...especially since they often die. Makes for nice pictures, but for me it's a miss.

  2. LOL! That's a good point! Especially if you are eating fish! LOL!

  3. I agree with Brandi, if they dies it would really "kill" the mood, LOL.

  4. I did this once for a party. It was cool for all of 3 minutes and then I spent the entire time trying to find them (the fish) a new home. Fortunately we had lots of people willing to take them with...but yeah , NEVER again.

  5. I’ll have to vote miss..

    In theory (and pictures) sounds fun and looks great but all said and done...ugg..so much work.

    We purchased 6 dozen mollies (the brightly color goldfish) for a corporate party (900+). They were displayed in 12 big ..2’ lit, glass vessels in our ‘club room’. I was amazed how much work (and cost) went into getting the lil’ guys to the event safely, passing half of them out, the clean up after, the transportation home, and the care for after.

    Then the shock to learn when it was all said and down ¼ of the guest completely missed them.

  6. I'm really surprised that this fish thing is a total miss! LOL
    I never tried it, but now I'll think twice!
    OMG, Brooke... all of that trouble for the guest not to notice? HA! That's insane!

  7. The blue fish in the second picture is a tropical fish and would need water a specific temperature to stay alive- NOT fair to sit and watch the poor little guy die!

  8. Actually the fish in the second pic is a beta or fighter fish whichever you want to go by and don't need many specific care, The plant on top would be helping oxygen in the bowl and that set up is actually called peace and war

  9. people have fish tanks all over their homes many in kitchens, dining and living rooms where they eat and many seafood restaurants have huge tanks with rare fish swimming so why is it such a big deal to see fish swimming in a beautiful arrangement. i think it is a nice idea granted it ties in with a theme!
