Thursday, February 26, 2009

Add Sass to your Glass!

The Signature drink is very popular these days. Whether you offer it at your Wedding, Bridal Shower, Bachelorette Party, or even a Entertaining at home, it's bound to give your event that extra flair. Dress up your drink with flavorful rimmers, fruit garnishes, or even candy! Your guest will be pleasantly surprised at your special attention to detail. So simply add a name,some garnish, and you'll have a signature drink! Check out these ideas...

The Vixen

Melon Melody

Choose a color of Luster Dust, an edible yet flavorless powder that comes in 20 shades.
Add a pinch of the powder to each drink, stir, and viola -- your drinks will have a beautiful iridescent sparkle.
Luster Dust

And from a girls night in at my girlfriends' place.... the Passion Fruit Tropical Martini. I must say it was rather tasty!

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of the luster dust-I'll have to check that out.
