Monday, June 8, 2015

Pool Party Fun without Sun

Pool parties are so much fun! Unfortunately we still haven't completely warmed up over here in the Northeast. But that didn't stop us from having fun without sun! Who said you need sun to have pool party fun!? We didn't! Our birthday boy wanted to celebrate his birthday with a splash!. These kids had a much needed break from the frigid temperatures of winter in New York. 
I created a festive atmosphere for the kids with lots of colorful beach balls and a fun sweets station full of pool related treats. The inspiration came from a cake I found on Pinterest. I had some fun stationery with a pool tile print created and everything was pool party ready! The tables were set with a place setting with personalized water bottles, drinking straws embellished with gummy "life preservers". Our little guest of honor had his name perched atop Adirondack chairs shaded by drinking straw umbrellas to create a custom centerpiece. At every kids party these days a sweets station is a must have! Using all of the colors in the beach balls, I created a scrumptious candy display. Some sweet treats included , "pool noodle" pretzels, custom sugar cookies, "life preserver" donuts, life savor gummies, "pool water" jello, life preserver macarons, amazing chocolate covered oreos, and cake pops among lots more! Every child went home with a box pool party themed sweet treats and a beach ball. Don't let the cold weather put a damper on your fun. We sure didn't let it stop us from enjoying a pool party


                           Gummy lifesavers embellished drinking straws and the kids enjoyed them after.
Cake! Our Custom Sweets Station was a hit with the kids! 
Pool Noodle Pretzels
"Pool Water" Jello

Treat Boxes
 Aren't these chocolate covered oreos the cutest!

 I mean really... check out these cake pops! 

 Fun without the sun. Or this party would be perfect for any pool party this summer!

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