Thursday, March 8, 2012

Josh's Jungle Jubilee

It's such a gorgeous day out today.. 70 degree's here in the NY/NJ area!  A mild day like this is perfect for a stroll at the zoo. Which reminds me.... I never shared the Joshua's Jungle Jubilee.... a party I designed last year for the cutest little boy celebrating his 1st birthday party at the Zoo.  It was mid summer then, so the party was in one of the zoo's  air conditioned classrooms.  No need for AC today!  Enjoy!

The kids decorated sun visors before venturing out in the "wilderness"
Centerpieces were little storage boxes wrapped with coordinating baby animal jungle fabric, and housed all craft supplies needed to decorated the visors.  I also added pieces of wheatgrass and the #1 to add the the jungle feel along a giraffe print runner.
Lunch boxes were outfitted with id stickers provided by none other than my go to stationery girl Christine of  The 3 Chatty Chicks  and The Olive Branch Papery.  Christine did an amazing job designing the
paper goods for this event.
An itinerary provided guidance for the parents throughout the day
Whats a party without sweets and treats!?  I used giraffe print linens along with an accent of the baby animal jungle scene fabric, bamboo sticks, banana leaves, and wheatgrass to decorate the sweets display.
Marshmallow bananas are a must! That's if you dare take them away from his tight grip! ;-)
Wheatgrass added a special touch to a simple cupcake stand 
Kids went home with a personalized tee with Josh's logo. They couldn't wait to wear it, so most put them on during the party, and wore it to enjoy the day at the zoo.
 Parties at the zoo are perfect for the entire family to enjoy!