Tuesday, April 5, 2011

DIY: Rock Candyabra

You  are probably wondering what in the world is a candyabra?   It's my version of a candleabra made sweet! A friend of mine had a tarnished candelabra tucked away in her garage, not being used.  I volunteered to clean it up and make it shine again.  Rock candy always makes a pretty presentation, so I thought why not combine the two and breathe new life into this lack luster piece.  All it took was  time, TLC, and some imagination and wha-la... a Sweet new Candyabra was born!
A little elbow grease didn't hurt.. here's the before and after..  nice and shiny!
I removed the hanging crystals to make room for rock candy crystals!  Don't worry the crystals were put to good use.  Stay tuned, I'll  highlight them later.
The finished product outfitted with rock candy topiary balls and rock candy crystal!

I loved the way it turned out.. Pretty Sweet!