Monday, January 31, 2011

Game Day Goodies!

How cute is this Super Bowl set up!? I sure wouldn't mind being invited to this party.
 Sandra Downie  of Sandra Downie Event Design really worked this table out!  She designed this Super Bowl Party display to work with any team on game day. This would also be great for a  little boys birthday party or even baby shower.  I'm loving the creative ways Sandra set up the game day goodies over at The White Library.

I am definitely one for the individual chips and dip! No double dipping happening here! :-) Love it!
How about this bite size mac & cheese in a cupcake cup! CUTE!!
Just about anything on a skewer will be a hit!

Check out Sandra's blog The White Library for details of the food and design. And more stunning displays!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Natasha,

    I have awarded you the Stylish Blogger award - thanks for your help and inspiration!

    Visit to view and grab the award :)

    - B xx
