Monday, November 22, 2010

Past Parties: Thanksgiving Remix

I can't believe Thanksgiving is rolling around so soon! I know everyone is preparing for their Thanksgiving menu, I'll be away this year. But... last year around this time I was not only thinking about what I'll serve for the big dinner, but what I'll transform my left over Thanksgiving dinner into the next day.  Yep.. that's right, you read it correctly. The day after we packed on the pounds for Thanksgiving, we packed on some more pounds with the left overs!  I called it After Giving Thanks Remix Dinner. This was one of my favorite gatherings with my girls, and thought it would be fitting to share it with you (again), and those new to my blog.  So don't just make turkey sandwiches after Thanksgiving.. get inspired and REMIX IT UP!
The decor was also "remixed"! Leaves, nuts, and branches.were found in my backyard! 
 Candles floating in water sprinkled with shredded gold leaves
 I also used the leaves as food labels to identify the "remixed ingredient.
Shephard's Pie 
Turkey Caesar Lettuce Wraps
 Cranberry Spritzer
  Cranberry Butter
 For desert..Pumpkin Cheesecake "Remixed" Pops
Pumpkin crunch popcorn

  Left overs never looked so good! That's because they were spruced up with fresh ingredients. Mix it up!
 Enjoy your Thanksgiving, and the left overs!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Okay, this is AMAZING! Now I just need some of these recipes!!!!!

  3. LOVE this idea! We did this last year, but I didn't have a cool name for it! LOL!

  4. Fabulous! You have to tell me your secrets...are the doily cones wrapped around something or are they that strong?

  5. LOVE the gold leaves.. What a great idea. Wish I would have seen this before Thanksgiving! Definitely for next year..

    Super inspirational site!

