Saturday, November 27, 2010

Lack of posting due to...

photo taken from here
Sorry about the lack of posting. I'm on Vacation!
I'll be back on my game next weekend. Hopefully I'll be out of relax mode...
Chat with you soon!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanks to all Fête Fanatic followers for your continued readership!  Have a happy Thanksgiving with your loved ones!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Past Parties: Thanksgiving Remix

I can't believe Thanksgiving is rolling around so soon! I know everyone is preparing for their Thanksgiving menu, I'll be away this year. But... last year around this time I was not only thinking about what I'll serve for the big dinner, but what I'll transform my left over Thanksgiving dinner into the next day.  Yep.. that's right, you read it correctly. The day after we packed on the pounds for Thanksgiving, we packed on some more pounds with the left overs!  I called it After Giving Thanks Remix Dinner. This was one of my favorite gatherings with my girls, and thought it would be fitting to share it with you (again), and those new to my blog.  So don't just make turkey sandwiches after Thanksgiving.. get inspired and REMIX IT UP!
The decor was also "remixed"! Leaves, nuts, and branches.were found in my backyard! 
 Candles floating in water sprinkled with shredded gold leaves
 I also used the leaves as food labels to identify the "remixed ingredient.
Shephard's Pie 
Turkey Caesar Lettuce Wraps
 Cranberry Spritzer
  Cranberry Butter
 For desert..Pumpkin Cheesecake "Remixed" Pops
Pumpkin crunch popcorn

  Left overs never looked so good! That's because they were spruced up with fresh ingredients. Mix it up!
 Enjoy your Thanksgiving, and the left overs!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Foodie Friday: Cookie Sandwiches

If you are looking for the perfect hostess gifts for the holidays, look no further!  Check out The Cookie Sandwich Co. ! Right in time!  I wouldn't mind receiving this for being your hostess. :-)  It will be the perfect ending to share with your guests at the end of the night. 

How cute is this packaging!
Red Velvet Cookie Sandwich, OMG.....
Carrot Cake Cookie Sandwich... Need I say more..
Ok just one more....
Chocolate Pumpkin Spice Cookie Sandwich

I can see this making a great addition to a desert buffet. YUM!
Go here to order yours!

Monday, November 15, 2010

North Jersey Bridal Soiree: Giveaway!

Are you getting married? Or know someone who is? You don't want to miss this Upscale Bridal Event, benefiting Wish Upon a Wedding New Jersey! It will be an intimate evening filled with chic trendy wedding inspiration at the Womens Club of Ridgewood, December 2nd, 2010.  For tickets and additional information go HERE. Tickets are limited, but I am Giving away 10 FREE! Enter now to Win!
Here's how to enter, it's easy!

1. Become a Follower of my blog and leave a comment that you have.

2.  Leave a comment with your wedding date.

3. Become a fan of The Flair Factor on Facebook and leave a comment here that you've done so

4. Post about this giveaway on your own Blog, Facebook Page and/or Tweet about it & comment here with the links! (4 opportunities to win)To increase your chances, leave a separate comment each time you complete one of these actions!

The Winners will be chosen at random on Sunday, Nov 21st at 11:00pm (EST).

Any entries received after this time will not be considered
Don't worry if you do not win you can still get tickets.  All Fete Fanatic readers can apply a special discount of 20%.  Discount code to be entered Here is: FLAIR
Good Luck!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pretty in Purple Sweets Display

My Pretty in Purple Sweets Display was created for A Princess For A Day  fundraiser highlighted in the previous post. When you think of princess, what comes to mind? Girly.. right? I wanted this design to interpret girly, but still exude sophistication.  As I promised..  Pretty in Purple Sweets displayed with precious details that has a special place in my heart.  Lots of mirrored details and delicate hobnail glassware! I totally Love!!

  I loved the ambient lighting captured by the talented Cabrera Studio!
Grape Mike & Ike mixed with French Vanilla Jelly Beans

 A mirrored tray with delicate bow detail & a touch of bling held
Almond Shortbread Cookies

 Chocolate & Vanilla Wafer Sticks.. more lovely hobnail details around the pedestal glass bowl. Heart! 
 M&M's with a Pina Colada licorice "straw"
Mini circular mirrors enhanced the  precious hobnail details around the base of the glass.
Additional Photos will be added to Facebook Shortly!

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Princess for a Day Event!

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending A Princess For A Day fundraiser event at the oh so sophisticated Room Service Lounge in NYC.  Remember this pretty in purple photo from last weeks sneak peak?  Well I have all of the photos ready for posting! But first, here's a little background on the event. A Princess For A Day is an amazing not-for-profit organization that promotes the importance of education by rewarding underprivileged high school students who achieve exceptional grades, an outstanding prom experience!  A deserving Princess will be rewarded with prom day hairstyling, make-up, dress alterations, transportation, a photographer, and the pièce de résistance, a stunning gown worn by a celebrity! The first Princess received a fabulous gown from Oscar nominated actress, rapper, and singer Queen Latifah!  Which high school student wouldn’t want to wear a celebrity gown to their prom? A Princess for a Day will make it happen! Find out exactly how it’s done on APFAD website. 

The event was hosted  by actor/comedian Guy Torry, who kept the crowd laughing.

 Founder and President Tamika Blaize (in red) with the first the first Princess for a Day Alicia Ramsay. Congrats to Alicia for her outstanding academic high school preformace!

Photos taken by the talented Cabrera Studio
 I was thrilled to be a part of such a wonderful event for an amazing cause.  I contributed to the event with a sweet candy table outfitted in purple, cream, and mirrors for a touch of glitz, but keeping it simple and elegant.
Sweets and Candy Buffet Menu housed in a mirrored frame.
Photos of the full display coming soon!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Unconventional Candle Holders

Are you looking for a creative way to display your stock of many candles? Or just want a fresh idea for your seasonal centerpiece? Head over to Pottery Barn.. lots of ideas over there.  Check out this Eclectic Glass Bottle Set it's on sale. Oh, so you don't want to spend on empty bottles?  Well get your DIY on! I'm sure you have some wine bottles laying around.. Hmm? After you enjoy the wine ( or whatever was inside the bottles) strip the labels, wash it up and Wha-La! 

You can drop some cranberries, leaves, corn kernels, or what ever you can find seasonal in the bottle. It'll add a bit of extra Flair to the display.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

2 Cents Tuesday: Color Palette

Ok so where are your 2 cents when I need it? Folks always want to put in their 2 cents when they are not asked. Well, here's your opportunity....

Predicament: You have a color palette in mind for a party, right?   So now you want to give your client a choice, but they choose the colorway that you weren't so crazy about.  What do you do?  What's your 2 cents?? 
I don't have a solution and lesson learned for this one, because I didn't actually experience it full on. But if you have, please share  experience.. Solution and Lesson Learned if  any.
So here's...
My 2 Cents:
I would make a suggestion and say why I like one over the other. But ultimately it's the clients decision.

Which color palette do you like best for a little girl's Rockstart party? What's your 2 Cents!?

Want to share your experiences for 2 cents Tuesday? Email me at with your experiences. Please include the predicament, solution, lessons learned(if any) and your 2 Cents! Can't wait to hear from you!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sneak Peak: Pretty in Purple Sweets Table

A Pretty in Purple 
Sweets & Treats Display designed for A Princess for a Day non-for-profit fundraiser event.
Stay tuned!!! More photos coming soon!