Thursday, September 23, 2010

Foodie Friday: Pocket Pies

You're gonna love this Foodie Friday.. I do! It's apple and pumpkin picking season, lets get those pies going! Miniature foods are always cute. But could be challenging to make at times. Well I'm loving these pocket pie molds from William Sonoma that's going to make baking mini pies effortless!

Too cute!
Lattice Pie Molds

Not going apple picking? Are you into semi-homemade cooking? Well get a jar of their apple pie filling!

Check out William Sonoma for videos on how to make pocket pies.


  1. Oh my gosh! I've just started making mini tarts/pies/etc. with my Pampered Chef "Uncrustables-like" press and these are perfect for Fall! Thanks for sharing and I'm so glad I found your blog! :)

  2. Welcome mamabearstamps! I've always wanted to have a pampered chef party. I have to check that Uncrustables thingy out! Thanks for coming by!
