Monday, September 6, 2010

Back to School!

So long Summer(unofficially), hello 1st day of School! If you are in need of some Back to School eye candy, head over to Bird's Craft! Bird featured her Back to School FREE printables a few weeks ago, and one of her readers Marci from Celebrating the Moments jump on it and created the cutest spread! Check it out!

Cute right? Wanna create your own? Head over to Bird Crafts for the printables!


  1. I'm so glad you stopped by and commented on my brought me back here, and I just completely got lost somewhere about a year ago clicking 'older post' over and over! I'm following along now, and I can't WAIT to see what's next. I LOVE your collection of ideas. :O)

  2. I love this eye-candy so much that it almost doesn't make me (a teacher) cringe at starting work up again! = )
