Monday, July 12, 2010

RSVP... Please!

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Why is so difficult to get your guest to RSVP on time, or even at all? I am in the process of planning a babyshower and trying to decide on the best way to get the guest to respond to the invitation. In the past,I've tried email, phone calls, response cards, you name it! I don't think anything works. There are always a few folks who just doesn't get it. This time I'm going to try it another way. How about RSVPing if you can not attend? Regrets only.... Hopefully this works. Which way do you find it easier to get your guest to RSVP???


  1. we do regrets only, seems to work a little better!

  2. Ugh! I just a post on how to be a good guest...and I haven't found a way yet to get all my RSVPs without being a mad woman and calling them.

    Pretty much my rule of thumb is I make a secondary contact, a day after my RSVP deadline, i.e. phone call/email & if still no response assume they aren't coming and I let it go. There will ALWAYS be those people who are 'too busy' to get back to you, no matter what you do. It's a hard thing, but I'm learning to 'live' with it. :)

  3. This is the most aggravating part of hosting an event!!!
    Regrets only seems the best but that still is no guarantee.
    I host children s parties and I still contact the families who haven't replied the week before the event,No one is bothered by it and they are always apologetic about not RSVP!!

  4. Unfortunately, I so know your pain! Regrets only seems to work best but I still find myself doing a last ditch effort follow up. Not sure why, but most people thing that not responding means you know they are coming...smh

  5. RSVP is a huge problem. I've had to call people to ask if they were coming only to get a "I thought you knew". Also, I've had people call me the day before and RSVP. Oh, yea, that helps me plan my menu, seating and party favors. This is a TERRIBLE problem. I don't know the answer, short of calling them a week ahead of time. We've lost our manners as a society.

  6. biggest pet peeve! neither works, people can be so rude!

  7. That really is one of the biggest issues in any planning! Alot depends on that number. I don't think that people really understand the importance of it, until you are actually involved in the planning of an event.
    Good luck to you! :)

  8. I've seemed to have good luck with adding a date to the RSVP request just to put a little more emphasis on actually doing it!
    Good luck!

  9. I do have 1 piece of info to pass along. My friend here in Richmond has a free Web Service named (I have the button on my site)
    It is an online responding site as well as an information spot for your particular party. It works in conjunction with Traditional Paper Invitations!!! Very cool - the best of both worlds! Please check it out and offer it as a solution.

  10. regrets only seem to work best it seems. good luck!

  11. Ladies, thanks for responding. :-)
    LOL @ Party Box Design.
    Wow I guess people are just inconsiderate huh.. lol. I'll give them the benifit of the doubt, maybe just too busy and it becomes an oversight.. (sigh)
    Good suggestion Gracie,Darn.. I didn't add a date. :-(
    Chris.. thanks for the heads up, I'll definitely highlight the service.

  12. My friend and I just had a discussion about how people just don't get it!!

  13. I find harrassing to the best mode of getting RSVPs ;)
