Friday, April 30, 2010

Crab Feast!!

Ok so it's going to feel like summer here in the east this weekend!! I can't wait! I can just feel one of these coming on.. Or someone needs to have a Crab Feast or Seafood Boil and invite me!:-) First, make a stop at one of my favorite stores and pick up a few items.

Crab-claw-shell cracker, wooden mallet, galvanized pail and tray, LOVE this, gotta have it!

OMG this boat is a MUST have! (Or maybe you can hit up another one of my favorite stores to find a replica for much less than $139.00... but it's hit or miss. So take your chances if you wish.)

Double Duty!

Get all of these items for your party at Pottery Barn now!


  1. I love this set up! Such a "Feast" for the eyes! ;D

  2. yum!!! I love the plates and the serving boat!

    Kim @
    party inspiration

  3. Everything looks fabulous and delicious! I'm ready for summer and seafood!
