Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fêtes & Fashion: Vintage Houndstooth

Ok so, last week thought I would touch on the topic drawing fashion and fêtes together. But now I'm seeing more and more of a correlation around me everywhere. They are sooo relative, I'll highlight it in a post whenever it comes to mind. I went out to dinner with a few friends last week, and one them wore a really cute houndstooth coat. And a few minutes ago I saw a guy in a TV commercial with a houndstooth bommer jacket. How perfect is this trend for fêtes& fashion?! This print has been around forever and a day. I confess.. I own a few pieces myself. I especially love the combination of black & white with a splash of pink. Check out how she paired her houndstooth look with pink lips.
Vintage houndstooth




These houndstooth cookies are the cutest! Love the pop of pink!


Lots of houndstooth inspiration found at this party, using houndstooth wallpaper!

Design Dump

The cutest fabric party hat by Kate Landers Events

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