Thursday, February 18, 2010

For our Luv of the Sea....

Food that is! Last weekend I got together with a few of my girlfriends for a Pre Valentines Day gathering. We decided on sharing a single food that we LUV.. Seafood!! Everyone contributed with a seafood dish to share. We definitely had a delicious time enjoying great food and even greater company!

I set each place setting was with LUV

Hugs and kisses!!

Ok, so who knew that crab legs steamed at your local supermarket can be so yummy!? Why didn't anyone inform me??

Melted butter

Salmon Salad

Lobster Swizzle Sticks


  1. yummmmy! serious amounts of YUM!

  2. Ok, I just found you and your party ideas are amazing. You are definitely an attention to detail kinda gal! I'm a follower now, I'm so excited to see what you come up with next!

  3. Great party! Love all of the details and the color combination!
    I especially love those swizzle sticks! Where in the world do you get them?

  4. Thank you for following Funky Woman. :-)
    I found the swizzle sticks at Marshall's and couldn't leave the store without them!
