Sunday, August 2, 2009

Botanical Bash Bridal Shower

Last weekend along with the bridal party, I hosted a garden party bridal shower for a good friend of mine. It was a beautiful hot summer day, and what helps shade you from the sun and goes perfectly with a garden party? Yep...A Fabulous hat! So the guests were asked to wear a fab hat and join us for a Botanical Bash!

The Bride was presented with a choice of hats. It was a surprise to her so she wasn't equipt with her own.

I used a variety of galvanized cans for the centerpieces.

Cute little lanterns filled with water and petals

A special little area created for the bride.

Thirst quenchers

This Ginger Lemonade was a hit! It was gone in no time.

Hat box cake

Check out Facebook for additional photos


  1. This is really beautiful. I love the glass jars filled with water and petals. Very creative!

  2. Congrats to another successful event. Everything look wonderful.

  3. Oh I love those glass drink dispensers. Yum iced teas

  4. Beautiful!! Love the little lanterns. :)

  5. OMG this is beautiful!! I love all those hats and those little lanterns, too. Aaww...kudos!
