Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bridesmaid Gift Idea: Purse Valet

Do you ever get tired of holding your purse on your lap during dinner? Have you ever pulled up an extra chair for your purse to have it's own seat? Well, you can give your handbag it's own place at the table without taking up space. I just received the Purse Valet in a gift bag, can't wait to try it out!


  1. I was lucky enough to be with a girlfriend at a local happy hour when she pulled two of these out of her purse.

    I'll be honest, I gave her a hard time at first.

    But now...my purse wouldn't be without it. I absolutely love it! It has come in handy more often than not.

  2. Really? I have to try it out, but I carry large bags. I hope it works.
