Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Daily Dose of Inspiration: Butterfly Chandelier

I am constantly seeking inspiration of all types,from any and everywhere! One of my favorite places to go is the mall. There are lots of inspiration there. I'm always taking photos of tablescapes, store displays, and window displays for inspiration. You can always count on department stores for great window displays for every season. Check out a great idea for a spring DIY butterfly chandelier from Bath and Body Works. I must find an event where I can recreate something like this!

Where do you go for your Daily Dose?

This one was floor to ceiling


  1. Love this! I wonder wear you could get butterfly like that?

  2. I love the butterfly chandelier as well. I have seen one similar in Neiman Marcus but could not track down the vendor who supplied them. Do you have any ideas where we could find the ones from Bath and Bodyworks??? Thank you for sharing!

  3. I wonder too Annette....
    I didn't inquire about the butterflies. I thought I would just search online, but I will ask next time.

  4. This butterfly chandelier is looking too beautiful!! Best stuff for home decoration!!

  5. I just saw these in the store the other day and asked if I'd be able to purchase one when they were finished with them. The answer was 'no' even when I called their 800 number. They keep them in case they can use them in the future.

    Anyway, I'd love to have one for my daughter's room. Would you be able to make something like this? Or do you know anyone that would? How much would it cost?

  6. Jen you are determined aren't you? They are beautiful, I don't blame you. Unfortunately, I don't make them. I'm just hoping to find the materials so I can attempt it. I'll keep you posted!

  7. I emailed B&BWs about this and they said that they have an exclusive vendor and they will NOT sell them; however, I think that the vendor might be Pottery Barn. There is a very similar one (although short and white)...the top is almost exactly the same. It's at PBkids.com - so cute!

  8. When I saw them at Neiman Marcus in Boca Raton, Florida about six or eight months ago I called the store to inquire where they got them. I did not get the answer that I was looking for, no one claimed to know where they came from. However, they did offer to sell me a roll for $69 plus tax. I believe that the roll was a good length for a small project although I can't remember the exact size. You might try there if you only need a small amount. Should you actually get them find out the vendors name from the package and let us all know. Good luck.

  9. PB Kids has a nice one. I saw the ones at BBW and was told that they are being sold at Pier 1. However, an online search and a cal to my local store came up negative. Otherwise, etsy.com has an artist that makes them as well for a lot cheaper than the one at PB Kids. good luck.

  10. The store in my local mall actually took down peoples names and numbers and called people to give away those mobiles. One of those first come first serve things cause she had said that they just throw them out when they are done.
