Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

I want to wish everyone out there in the blogosphere a Happy and Healthy New Year! I started my blog just two short months ago and I'm loving every minute of it. Thanks to all those who have enlisted to follow me! And also those who check in on me once in a while. I appreciate it! I'm sure 2009 will be filled with lots of fun and exciting things for me to share with you all!


  1. Did you make the Cranberry BBQ meatballs? I'm curious how they turn out...I'd like to try them. Here's to a Fabulous 2009!

  2. Thanks Authentically U! Like wise!

    Chris, I did make the meatballs. They were pretty tasty, and easy to prepare. Give it a go!
    And I'm right with ya on that Fabulous '09' !!
