Saturday, December 6, 2008

“Oh Boy”, time to plan a baby shower..

The host of the baby boy shower I spoke about earlier loved the blue/green polka dot shower idea. So polka dots it is! Thanks for those who cosigned on the cute little dots. Amy from Stemparties said to pretent the dots are circles, so I’m taking that idea and running. Thanks Amy!. Hopefully the ideas start flowing. Hmmm adding touches of circular baby items is an idea... So I’ll have a “ball” planning this one! I will suggest a few styles for custom printed invitations. She has to settle on a design pretty quickly, as she started planning only a few weeks in advance. If you have any other suggestions please don’t hesitate to share. Thanks!
Take a look at some ideas I found online. I personally like the round invitations, it fits the theme perfectly.

The rattle is too cute, and look, a circle at the top and bottom!

Square polka dot inviations are the most economical.


This metallic ball ornament might be cute to incorporate, though the shower is after the holidays. At least it will be on sale. :-)

Napkin rings...


  1. Tiny prints also has polka dot invites.

  2. Aww, my cousin & her husband bought the girl and the boy ornaments, they used them to give to my aunt & uncle wrapped as gifts on Christmas, to tell them the sex of the babies...since she's expecting twins & just found out 3 days before Christmas. It was really a neat idea!
