Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I recieved a lesson in napkin folding from the manager of a restaurant I visisted for an event. Who new there were so many ways to fold a napkin! Napkins will make your tablescape extra special. Check out what they demponstrated for me.

These are all really nice. It will certainly add A Flair Factor to the table.
He was able to fold the napkins so quickly, that I decided to try it myself. Of course I don't have the experience of the pros, but I tried anyway. I found instructions on additional interesting folds for you to try at your next event. Or maybe just for an everyday dinner with your family or your honey. :-)
The Fancy Silverware Pouch

The Bird Of Paradise Napkin Fold

The shirt fold



  1. Try this link:
    Found this when I was planning my own wedding - comes in handy for all kinds of events!
