Friday, December 19, 2008

More budget friendly ideas

Speaking of budget ideas for the holidays, how about this unconventional gift wrap? The buttons were made to form a X-Mas tree, how cute!

Another budget friendly idea is to use materials that you can find hanging around your house for holiday decor. I put brown paper bags, paper towel rolls, and tissue paper to use, and created these party favors. I stuffed the rolls with candy that match the decor, and used tissue paper to dress up the paper towel rolls as party favors.

I also used tissue paper to create luminaries, by covering votives

I made napkin rings and place cards (please pardon my sloppy handwriting) from brown paper bag. The little twigs you see are from my backyard free of charge.

I also pulled some branches from the tree to create a festive piece, and yep the paper bag came in handy again.

The branches and bags are tinted with silver spray paint to make it more festive. I also filled additional bags with ornaments and prettied them up with bows.

So there it is, budget friendly ideas using materials you can find in your home and your own back yard!

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