Monday, December 1, 2008

Are polka dots to girlie…?

For a “baby boy’s” shower that is? I think polka dots are girlie, but the baby shower is for a woman so shouldn’t it be girlie even though she’s having a boy? What do you think? The color scheme will be blue, green and white. I think green and blue polka dots will be cute. Here are a few pics I put together to give the host an idea of what may be in store for her. I hope she likes the polka dot theme as much as I do.


  1. I think the combination looks fabulous! Let me know what your client thinks. I have a consult with a client for a baby shower next week and think this would be a great idea for her too!

  2. Polka dots are gender-neutral in my opinion, I think the color combo is perfect! Traditional blue with green makes it fresh. I hope she likes it.

  3. Thanks ladies! I hope she likes it as well.

    Let me know if you'll pitch to polka dot idea to your client, and how it goes.

  4. I don't think they are too girlie at all. Polka dots are just such a fun theme to use. These colors are going to make for a great party. Pretend they are circles, not polka dots! Suddenly you will start seeing circles everywhere and have a million ideas!
